October 10

Chillier and chillier, it had to happen eventually! Enjoy your sweaters!!



Carrie said...

And hot cocoa!!! I love the cool weather! Happy WW everyone! www.dayswithdylanandkc.com

Epic said...

Happy W.W to everyone!

Stan at NewToReno.com said...

Reno lights the way... http://www.newtoreno.com

stevebethere said...

Thanks for the early linky again
Have a great WW! all.

Mr Fixit

imaddy said...

Happy WW.


From The Heart said...

Happy WW!Blessings on all.

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook said...

Have a great week! Thanks for hosting!

CB said...

Happy WW to everyone, my first WW entry today with my new humor DIY blog. Enjoy the weather!

Jessica Gibson said...

This is my first WW post, so excited!!

Yael from Home Garden Diggers said...

Thanks for hosting WW.

Yael from Home Garden Diggers

AVCr8teur said...

Happy WW!

Mt. Shasta in the distance

Giorgos Varvakis said...

Thanks for hosting, happy WW to everyone!!



Sara Chapman in Seattle USA said...

This one's a beauty. An Angels Trumpet flower, lit from above, for you today:


PhenoMenon said...

Happy wednesday all !!

Dee Dee said...

Happy Wordless Wednesday! Loving this weather!!

Cafe au lait said...

Happy WW!

Simply Delicious said...

Mine is up!

Angeline said...

Just went for an eyecheck yesterday, after many years...
It hit new 'scary' level...

Maria @ LSS said...

Happy WW, all!

Joel said...

Thanks for the linky!

Liz said...

Happy WW. Thanks for hosting.

Writing for the Web @Iowa Lakes said...

Thanks for Wordless Wednesday. This is my second one ever! I already found several great new blogs to follow! Thank you!

Ihsan Khairir said...

Happy WW!

My entry this time is about cherries frozen in ice because of winter rain. do have a look :)


Verena said...

Thank you so much for providing this linky! I hope you´ll have a wonderful day!


Roslyn said...

It's "hump day"

Ascending Butterfly said...

Linked up, haven't slept in two days, off for a quick nap! :)

Happy WW everyone!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Autumn is definitely here! Did someone say, hot cocoa? Yes, it was Carrie. I've gotta have some now! Shame on you girl for planting this idea in my head. =D

Hope to see y'all at my place soon!
Cathy Kennedy's Blog

Carroll Pellegrinelli said...

Happy WW!


Stacy Uncorked said...

Happy WW! :)

A Foggy Start to Fall

Ugochi said...

I can do this Again And Again! Happy wordless Wednesday everyone!

Anni S said...

Thanks for the LinkUp!

Go ahead and put your link here as well:


Looking for co-hosts!


Nancy McCarroll said...

These bananas and wine complement!

Lapdog Creations said...

Happy fall!


Twisted Cinderella said...

Happy WW everyone!


Meg @ write meg! said...

It's a cloudy day on the pumpkin farm here in Maryland. Happy WW, everyone!

matilda magtree said...

Shadow play today; happy Wednesday!

Ms.Random said...

Love this idea! Happy Hump Day!

gtyyup said...

My new cow dog is a bit camera shy~

Have a wonderful WW!!


Rachel Assuncao said...

It's cool here too! Autumn weather means tasty fall recipes around here.

Honey from the Bee said...

Have a great week everyone!

Anonymous said...

have a great WW everybody!

Jandamom said...

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

My Wordless Wednesday post uses the Wordpress weekly photo challenge as inspiration. This week's challenge was "Happy" and we were supposed to use a gallery, which I couldn't figure out how to use. So, there are just multiple pics of what makes me happy.

SuziQoregon said...

Mine's up:

Rural Washington County, Oregon.

Anonymous said...

Happy Wednesday!!! Have a lovely day, everyone! ^______^

Sarah Coggins said...

Happy WW! :)

Robin said...

My cowboy grandfather, Crooked River Oregon, 1918:
http://rustyring.blogspot.com/. (And happy Wordless Wednesday to the crew!)

Robin Henderson
Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

{th}ink said...

Old trains!

Happy WW!

Heather said...

My Lil' Miss loves her Barbies!!

Marie said...

Happy Wednesday!!

Victoria said...

YAY! So glad I found this link up!

Jaye said...

Happy WW evening! I put the wrong link in first time around - I don't know if you can delete it?

Margaret Almon said...

As a knitter, I love this lamb!

Jessica said...

This is my first time to participate in WW. Looking forward to many more.

Teresa said...

Mine was from Homework today!

Lisabella Russo said...

The weather here is still sunny and warm, but we're supposed to get rain tomorrow! I don't even know where my sweaters are...

CIEL said...

I made it!! whew! enjoy!


Elf said...

I had some decent photos of stairs at Villa Montalvo, a historic home and artist's haven near here, but played around with various filters and liked the Fresco effect. So there they are.


logorithm said...

A scene you don't wanna see at the Men's Fitting Room...

Happy WW!

Mezzamay said...

A bit late...but never mind :-)
Mine's a seaonal image